The night before

It’s the night before your tattoo appointment and that’s ALL you’ve got on your mind. But one important thing a lot of people forget is, SLEEP! That’s right, getting a good nights sleep will help with your tattoo session immensely! Arriving well rested will make the world of a difference. Make sure to also not consume any alcoholic beverages the night prior as alcohol is a blood thinner, and we need all of that to stay in your body, as well as the fresh ink. (Bleeding is normal during a tattoo session, we just don’t want to increase that!) Moisturizing your skin in the area that you are getting tattooed each day, starting a few weeks prior to your appointment, is also always an excellent idea and will help in the overall healing of your tattoo.

the day of

You just woke up and are filled with excitement because it is NEW TATTOO DAY! Nothing more exciting than that. Make sure you EAT (a great big meal if you can). Eating before your appointment is crucial! It will also help you get through those long ongoing sessions! Make sure to pack yourself some snacks (that are easily edible… please do not bring last night’s dinner) and bring water! Or your favourite drink! Non-alcoholic of course. Make sure it has a lid because we don’t have a cleanup crew to pick up that spilled coffee. Ever been tattooed with coffee ink before? Me either. Hey while we’re at it, make sure to wear appropriate tattoo clothing! It’s best to wear clothing that makes the tattoo area easily accessible while also keeping you comfortable! And don’t wear anything you don’t want to risk getting tattoo stencil or ink on!

the next day

Ah so you’ve taken your bandage off, it’s a brand new day and you’re ready to show your tattoo to the world…. BUT WAIT! Because you still need to take extremely good care of it. It is a permanent investment on your body after all. It’s best to let your tattoo air dry, and it definitely need lots of oxygen to heal properly. However if you find yourself in a situation where annyyyy little particle can get into a fresh tattoo, then it’s best to have it LOOSELY covered with a piece of clothing. Let it breathe as much as you can and… KEEP IT CLEAN! Keep those hands clean too while you’re at it. Nothing worse than cleaning a fresh tattoo with dirty hands. Please check out the aftercare page for more!